Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Letfriend See My Boobs


Sanitation for the French authorities is a matter taken very seriously. There are currently two main options:

1) The collective sanitation (Sewerage) consists of a pipe near the communal roads (communal). It is connected above and the subject is closed (expenses excepted).
NB : If your property is served by it to the sewer you will not be your choice for sanitation, it will connect you.

2) If there is no mains drainage, sanitation individual can take several forms, requiring or not a notice of the authorities.


In any case, at this stage of my information, the toilets do not convince in the context of obtaining a building permit and the lagoon is not a guaranteed solution (from view permissions). Blackwater or greywater one always returns to the heart of the problem ie a convincing sanitation and thus expensive if the right to reside is built or acquired.
Count a minimum of 1,500 to 2.000E.

Always the same, if you do not want or can apply for a change of assignment (ruin, barn etc. ...), if your property is not buildable, sanitation will a very minor problem ...
Invest any money into a personal sanitation when has no right to live in the administrative places would not make sense.

The topic of consolidation is probably what will soon remind you of a municipality has to order. Especially if you live permanently where it is not permitted ...
Because it is a problem of public health ...

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My advice
Me I'm moving in town hall when ruin my interest. And I am informed of his position, his opinion.
What think you it to rehabilitate the ruins?
Normally sanitation by mains drainage it is that the finance ... And municipalities do not have much money in their coffers ...
Sanitation individual is now heavily guarded and there are rules, particularly in terms of surface thus spreading the field. Despite the micro-stations etc. ...
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