When a seller tells you that the ruin is the cadastral survey is a beginning of good news.
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Indeed ruin cadastral survey is not at all a right to live, change it. Unless the failure is known as a former housing services.
Very often ruin the cadastral survey has been a destination (a reported use) and non-agricultural type buildings. That's what we found most commonly in the ads. Unfortunately.
The first question to ask a realtor or seller is:
- "The council is it OK for a change of destination?
This tends to mean in more technical language that the City Council accept a building permit to change the destination of agricultural living.
- If it is evasive or does not know it's wrong committed. It must be checked this point. If he did not have to do it. Sometimes the sellers are fully aware of the "impossibility of living ruin, renovate and try to find a''pigeon''who buys land of leisure said with a pile of stones and not check anything.
As ALWAYS check either by himself, eventually it just reassure no one can take that said third face value.
- The only source of timely and accurate information is the Hall.
in doubt and if the ruins are interesting, simply agree to sign a sub-seal with a condition precedent to obtaining a building permit to convert the ruin housing.
NB: If there is no path, no networks, you can doubt in advance of the response of the Town Hall ... It's gonna be tough ...
- must distinguish a possible agreement for change of destination (eg barn house) and a building permit with a change of destination. The City Council may well allow you to change a destination but you refuse to open new windows, change the tiles to slates, ask velux etc. .... And vice versa ...
Finally the City Council and the networks that are often different interlocutors and in all cases it must be remembered that NOBODY will help you more than reason.
Everything must be done is to move yourself. Normal.
is necessarily a lot of energy.
- And if ruin is in a protected area including the buildings of France, the transformation will be 300% compliant with the recommendations of the local architect of ... buildings in France.
The recommendations of ABF are often synonymous with high costs (the work must respect the rules of the old, almost systematic refusal of cheap materials such as PVC etc. ... in a normal sense but for some prescriptions common sense is sometimes absent, seeing in each case, impossible to generalize, some are''realistic''ABF) and the permissions take longer (usually one month for a PC) because the service of the ABF must necessarily reflect on your project. Is often best to contact the service to tell them about your project. If possible BEFORE you buy!
The City Council will tell you explain it all very well if you ask kindly:)
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