Petition against the smart meters Linky Linky
Petition against communicating meters Linky
Installation of counter cookie Linky Communicator comes additive to numerous electromagnetic radio sources such as relay antennas, computer wireless devices household transmitters etc...
The installation of these meters without precaution without change and upgrade the existing electrical installation presents a grave danger to the health of the occupants residents. No study of impact for the moment has come to reassure consumers about this financial politico initiative already affecting many countries actually facing the consequences.
It appears that lack of armoured cables, irradiations CPL counters Linky impact the health of a large number of people especially children, more sensitive (long periods of exposure) and sometimes a few centimeters of their heads (example: yarn and catch passing at the foot of their bed).
"Waves and health" collective therefore expresses its opposition to these intrusive counters not only pay facility but denounces the fact that there is no prior study published on ideal conditions which must be installed them, nor any expertise on health risks and it according to the precautionary principle.
In addition we will advise members, contacts, knowledge, signatories of the petition that we submit to The general public to raise by Taking blood, The State of Their Blood Prior to installation situation of degradation and measure Sustained Contingent Provencal risk.
Petition against the smart meters Linky Installing Counter Mouchard Linky communicating just add up to many sources such as electromagnetic radio masts, without the computer-wire, appliances ... etc. transmitters The installation of these meters without caution, without change and upgrade the existing electrical installation presents a great danger to the health of occupants residents. No impact study for the time has come to reassure users of this financial initiative Politico is already affecting many countries, faced with the practical consequences. It appears that lack of armored cable, radiation counters CPL Linky impacting on the health of a large number of people especially children, more sensitive (long exposure) and sometimes a few inches from their heads (eg son and taken from the foot of their beds). The collective "Waves and Health expresses its opposition to a facility not only paying for these counters intrusive, but denounces the fact that there no previous study published in the ideal conditions which must be installed in these, nor any expertise on health risks and that the principle of precaution. Also we advise to members, contacts, knowledge, signed the petition that we submit to the general public to take a blood test, the state of their blood status prior to installation to measure the possible degradation suffered and the risk proved.
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