Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Transfer Music From Vuze To Itunes

powerpointisation minds? If general relativity

PowerPoint annoys me, but I feel less alone now since I read "Thinking PowerPoint. Author Franck Fremes there methodically dismantles the reasons and dangers of his enormous success in all sectors of society, from school to the army. And it's true that making a presentation in public without his slides now gives the impression of not having prepared his subject. Even to talk face to face on a background that is more serious to make slides. The ppt was definitely denigrate the executive summary in one page, which was ten years ago the ultimate in synthetic material. If you work in business, you may have noticed also that the word processor is a tool endangered, except for drafting legal documents or press releases. Word KO'd by PowerPoint, which had said there are more than twenty years, when the first version of the software was placing on the market?

This success is not difficult to understand according to shudder: it's still easier to wipe a presentation quickly than taking the time to write a note. Especially since this software has an impressive ability to reduce the surface area of the document, with nothing but the format of slides horizontally. This constraint is irrelevant for presentations very simple, but imagine what would be a court decision or argument whether it should be written in PowerPoint. Yet this tool is used to treat absolutely everything. The commission of inquiry into the explosion Shuttle Columbia in 2003 (whose report is available in pdf ), for example, was "surprised to receive the slides from NASA, rather than technical reports. She [held] that the endemic abuse of briefs in the form of PowerPoint slides instead of technical notes illustrates the methodological problems of NASA's technical communication. "(P191) I would not be surprised that the overuse of PowerPoint is partly responsible for some serious issues in recent industrial ADP, SNCF or elsewhere ...

A format that supports arguments cans
The danger is even larger than the structure of the presentation subtly affects the strength of the argument. "The medium is the message" McLuhan's assertion that never have been as obvious as the format of slides influence both how to design them and how they are perceived. Fremes note that the list of bullet-points, which is the default format, gives the illusion of an exhaustive list of factors to take into account that are linked together without binding. And since there is no word of transition from one line to another, the logic of the sequence seems obvious until the final conclusion. The same no logical transition from one slide to another reinforces the overall impression of a logical environment, perfectly controlled. The sequential form of bullet-point slides and also lends itself poorly to digressions, the nuances, to the reserves. The "sub-levels' lists are perfect to illustrate an idea but very poorly suited to address an objection or raise a reserve. PowerPoint format seems designed to sell a bias maintaining the appearance of complete objectivity. The ideal tool for consulting firms that gave him his credentials.

If still critical points his nose, PowerPoint offers arguments unstoppable, thanks to the ambivalent status of the slides, both carriers of the oral presentation and final document presented to the audience, which protects the author of all reviews. Some arguments are weak or ambiguous? This is normal: the slides have no value unless accompanied by oral explanation of the author. The slides are too many open doors and break? That is the stand is "self-sufficient" and understood by those who could not attend the oral presentation.

The Newspeak and political correctness can also help to prevent any criticism. Just follow a few simple rules:
- Turn your verbs in the infinitive, not the imperative. It's colder and it is for everybody and nobody at the time. Or better: replace the verbs with names, it's even more impersonal. Do not say "We're on schedule," say instead "On schedule" (or better: "we TTM-track!)
- The use of the indefinite article gives some respectability to a balance sheet, Extrapolating the findings without actually announce color (a "hot market" "Competition on", "interesting opportunities" etc.) The generality is made sufficiently implied not to be vulnerable to criticism.
- Banish negative words or too many critics who could betray your subjectivity. The results are not "bad" but "mixed" (when it's yours, or they may be "disappointing"). Do not criticize, just to note the "points of improvement."
- Unlike you drop it on the positive words: mobilize, energize, maximize, leverage! Your project is always a "revolution" your reform "major" change "radical" and so on. Who could blame you for your energy and enthusiasm?
- Use the buzzwords in the business. In general many acronyms (inevitably must be short!) And a few words of newspeak in vogue do the trick.
As well said Rafi Haladjian (p9 its book on the subject): "PowerPoint is a magical tool. It can give the illusion of a perfect mastery of the world. It allows to stage an environment sequential, ordered, two-dimensional, one-sided. A comfortable and reassuring world where one can enumerate things, identify, bring them within the templates (in French: masks) of thought. With PowerPoint, you can scan the uncertainty under the carpet. "Above all, do not show that we know nothing. Pretend to know where we go, we have things well in hand. "Everything can be resolved by a relentless linear logic. Everything can be counted, organized, framed, bullet through the lists. Everything is soluble in PowerPoint. At school we learned to make a plan before writing an essay. Today we no longer the plan. Good thing when you are dry of ideas. Running out of time to write a text or true (like everyone else) you do not write: make PowerPoint instead of Word. Instead of arguing, you just have to pile up, identify, bullet-list and put the verbs in the infinitive (to build, discover, develop, win) or noun phrases. "
Language Wood ready PowerPoint little open to criticism front. In return, it rarely arouses membership. Fremes note that these presentations are generally received with indifference and coldness, and they have more and more difficult to communicate a vision a momentum. By dint of seeing announce tomorrows with the same words, the public grows weary and no longer believes necessarily. I suspect that the crisis of confidence among employees to large corporations employing them comes partly from this indigestion PowerPoint unkept promises year after year, in sharp contrast with the experience of each.

The preponderance of form over substance? Finally

of all grievances that are made in PowerPoint, the sophistication of the effects is probably the one that bothers me the least. The inventor of the tool, Robert Gaskins regrets the abuse of decorum in presentations by him that would eventually distracted by the presenter and his audience of about distracting. Personally I have rarely had the opportunity to be "distracted" by a too brilliant presentation, apart from a few spectacular presentations at public conferences of the type ASD. On the contrary! I am rather struck by the appalling lack of originality in the slides that I see go all day long, always with the same formats or always the same illustrations. In all fairness, I do not shine myself through my creativity powerpointesque ... Instead of stimulating the imagination and creativity, this software has finally leveled All presentations from the bottom. If one is counting, it has undermined both the creativity, methodological rigor, critical thinking and morale of employees of large companies. Should he temporarily suspend the use on behalf of the precautionary principle? With that, I leave you I have a near 'to finish for tomorrow ...

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Franck Fromer " Thought PowerPoint survey software that makes this stupid "(2010)
Rafi Haladjian," Become a handsome, rich and intelligent, with PowerPoint, Excel and Word "(pdf )
The NYT article " We Have is The enemy and He Is PowerPoint "(April 2010)
R Gaskins: PowerPoint at 20: back to basics (pdf )


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