Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hutch Youth Football Uniform

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless rat

Fashion is for products that boost memory. But there are people who would pay dearly to forget a painful memory. As in the movie "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind where Jim Carrey is clear from his brain the memory of his unrequited love for Kate Winslet. Science fiction? Yes, probably for humanoids. But if you feel the soul of a laboratory rat, it could perhaps be envisaged. Early recipe for sorcerer's apprentice ...

Where to lodge our memories?
First problem: locate memories in your brain is not obvious. In the early twentieth century, the American psychologist Karl Lashley tried the experiment with rats that had learned to get around in a maze. The results made him puzzled: no matter where they inflicted brain injury, the poor beasts were always able to remember the way learned, as if their memories were not in a particular area of the brain but scattered throughout the cortex. It was going wrong ...

Life Science Databases , Wikimedia
Fortunately, all the memories are not equal. Regular readers of Webinet you are, you know for example that the amygdala brain (in red in the picture left) plays an important role in the storage of memories associated with fear. So if you want to forget the memory of a car accident that has traumatized you, why not remove your tonsils brain to be quiet once and for all? You are free to do what you want with your tonsils, but before you get rid of, I suggest you read the story this young woman suffering from a degeneration of the tonsils . Certainly she never experiences the slightest fear, laughs at horror films, stroking snakes and played with tarantulas as if it were lint. It feels absolutely never in danger even at night alone in a deserted street and surrounded by suspicious individuals. Practice when your name is Jack Bauer, except that it is incapable of the slightest care in daily life: it is foolish financial risks and relies on anyone because the amygdala is also what we can recognize the emotion in the faces of others. In short, I'm personally not recommend the removal of pure and simple ... We must find more subtle.

Canadian researchers have recently discovered for example, that certain classes of neurons in the amygdala ("those who express a high level of transcription factor CREB" That whatever means) are specifically associated with good memories accurate. After conditioning the mice to fear a particular sound, they observed that the elimination of these neurons suppressed the very specific Remember the fear in these mice. Amnesia induced in mice appears to be both durable and clearly limited to that specific memory.

reconsolidation, I tell you!
For potted who can not distinguish these famous neurons in your amygdala, I can offer you another recipe. In 1999, a young American post-doc, Karim Nader proposed to his lab chief experience a bit inflated . We knew at the time that could prevent storage of an event in their rats injecting a substance called anisomycin immediately after they experienced the event in question. Despite the incredulity of the rest of the laboratory he tried a variation rather inflated: he injected anisomycin not just after the event, but when the rats were again in front of the stimulus, as he recalls the event . Bingo! The rats had become amnesic!

I feel perplexed. In what remémorisation event she could erase her memory? Has anyone ever deleted a web site just by searching on Google? Hitherto it was thought that memories consistent with neural connections in our brains quite stable and that "recall an event" was simply to turn this connection, that the revival strengthened systematically. The theory of "reconsolidation" Nader havoc with this design: according to her, mentally evoke a past event remake every time a new memory in the same way that one has memorized the event for the first time. This theory therefore predicts that if a mechanism prevents the formation a memory, the same mechanism must be able to erase the same way a memory when it tries to remémoriser. Nader's experience confirms this theory nicely. What one remembers is not the original version of the memory but that of his last evocation. Every time one remembers a memory we shall alter the content: the only intact memories are those that have been forgotten and the only way to preserve a memory is never to mention ...

The Miracles of a protein with an unpronounceable name
Let me tell you that things are not so simple. A similar experiment recently highlighted the role of a molecule (the sweet name of αCaMKII) that plays only on remémorisation but not on early learning. This time, in addition to a fear of classical learning, it also taught the rats to recognize a small place. Through a chemical machinery which I'll spare you the details, researchers can overexpress or otherwise inhibit the presence of this molecule during learning and during the memorial remémorisation:

During learning
Just before remémorisation
Protocol 1
αCaMKII overexpressed
αCaMKII overexpressed
Protocol 2
αCaMKII overexpressed
Protocol 3
αCaMKII overexpressed

protein alpha-foo has no evident effect on learning and memory storage, however it blocks remémorisation memory. Unlike Nader's thesis, the mechanisms of remémorisation do not seem exactly the same as learning ... The fact is that the amnesic effect of alfa-trick is impressive because walking even a month after the initial conditioning. Moreover in the absence of the famous protein, rats remained perfectly capable of remembering other packaging they had learned elsewhere.

question remained whether it is the memory that is erased or only access to memory. They put the amnesic rats protocol 3 A third time in re-remémorisation situation, but this time by inhibiting the alpha-CaMKII. The rats remained amnesic, proof that it was the memory itself had disappeared.

Post-traumatic stress
And then to humans? It exists in the United States a molecule (propanolol) known to treat hypertension and plays a role similar to the amygdala brain that substances just mentioned. Besides, the artists use to avoid stage fright on stage. Neurologists conditionnèrent recently volunteers just as was done with rats, by subjecting them to mild electric shocks associated with images of spiders. Brrr! Then we did take propranolol to half of them placing them pictures again and shock. The next day, subjects who took propranolol were much less afraid than others to the sight of spiders. The experiences of the previous day had left them but few clear memories of emotionally charged: they could not evoke the feeling of fear as opposed to other participants in the experiment. This kind of discovery of great interest all people suffering from post-traumatic stress after witnessing an accident or a particularly creepy scene. For years, they constantly relive the memory with an emotional intensity intact. Rather than trying to forget Kate Winslet, Jim Carrey would have done better to gorge on propranolol, it would have been more effective. Cinégénique less likely.

Jospeph Ledoux Manipulating Memory (The Scientist, 2003) on the experience and the theory of rebinding
Sandra Swanson, Memory and Forgetting (Dana Foundation, 2010)

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Petition against the smart meters Linky Linky

Petition against communicating meters Linky

Installation of counter cookie Linky Communicator comes additive to numerous electromagnetic radio sources such as relay antennas, computer wireless devices household transmitters etc...

The installation of these meters without precaution without change and upgrade the existing electrical installation presents a grave danger to the health of the occupants residents. No study of impact for the moment has come to reassure consumers about this financial politico initiative already affecting many countries actually facing the consequences.

It appears that lack of armoured cables, irradiations CPL counters Linky impact the health of a large number of people especially children, more sensitive (long periods of exposure) and sometimes a few centimeters of their heads (example: yarn and catch passing at the foot of their bed).

"Waves and health" collective therefore expresses its opposition to these intrusive counters not only pay facility but denounces the fact that there is no prior study published on ideal conditions which must be installed them, nor any expertise on health risks and it according to the precautionary principle.

In addition we will advise members, contacts, knowledge, signatories of the petition that we submit to The general public to raise by Taking blood, The State of Their Blood Prior to installation situation of degradation and measure Sustained Contingent Provencal risk.

Petition against the smart meters Linky Installing Counter Mouchard Linky communicating just add up to many sources such as electromagnetic radio masts, without the computer-wire, appliances ... etc. transmitters The installation of these meters without caution, without change and upgrade the existing electrical installation presents a great danger to the health of occupants residents. No impact study for the time has come to reassure users of this financial initiative Politico is already affecting many countries, faced with the practical consequences. It appears that lack of armored cable, radiation counters CPL Linky impacting on the health of a large number of people especially children, more sensitive (long exposure) and sometimes a few inches from their heads (eg son and taken from the foot of their beds). The collective "Waves and Health expresses its opposition to a facility not only paying for these counters intrusive, but denounces the fact that there no previous study published in the ideal conditions which must be installed in these, nor any expertise on health risks and that the principle of precaution. Also we advise to members, contacts, knowledge, signed the petition that we submit to the general public to take a blood test, the state of their blood status prior to installation to measure the possible degradation suffered and the risk proved.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Font Sizeon Academic Poster

Petition Counters cookie and public health

Petition Counters cookie Linky and public health