Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dividing Monstera Deliciosa

The FALC stakeholder public health

The President of the FALC spokesman "WAVE AND HEALTH"

The collective "Waves and health "is organizing a briefing following the last statement worrying that grew in strength,

Place conference room MAIGNE Street July 14 at 19:00 .
The November 5, 2010
"Waves and Health in organizing this meeting to inform residents and elected officials on the current state of knowledge on the subject, so as to cause a position and decision of those who are in charge of protecting residents.
experts providing material for reflection.
"Waves and Health" build on this finding, making his legitimate, non-argumentative denial would be an arbitrary and obscurantist rejection of all appraisal work.
"Waves and Health" hopes the presence of Professor Belpomme imminent scholar on the issue of electromagnetic radio waves. All
problems that would affect the public health of resident populations in the broadest sense is the concern of the Federation FALC.

Hunting With #45 Recurves?

Civilizations: another case of scrabble? Discrimination

Read books by Jared Diamond is doubly gratifying. First, because it is rare to see an essay addressing fundamental issues such as birth, growth and death of civilizations in the history of mankind. In 500 pages, Diamond reviews the last 10 000 years on all continents. Then these complicated subjects are usually treated under the prism of a single discipline: anthropology (Claude Levi-Strauss), economic history (Fernand Braudel) or philosophy. Diamond managed instead to mobilize all disciplines Scientists with happiness, genetic paleoanthropology, through geography and linguistics. I do not think I read an essay also multi-disciplinary.

This methodological fireworks made me want to share with you the startling conclusions from his book on "inequality among societies." In this essay, he tries to understand why mankind has developed at different rates in different regions of the world and why Europe has been more successful physically than Africa, America or Australia. Challenging course any racial argument, Diamond argues with quite convincingly I think it a form of geo-climatic determinism that sweeps a lot of misconceptions.

When you become a farmer rather than hunter-gatherer?
Seen our twenty-first century, one might say that the first men were not very smart on the run all day after their snack, instead of quietly grow tomatoes and raise sheep. Why did it take so long for that hunter-gatherers include their mistake? And why do some people have they included particularly long after the other, the palm of stubbornness returning to Australian Aborigines which had not traded their boomerang against the butt of a plow when the English arrived to show them how.

This questioning by the naive assumption that the plants cultivated were always available around the world. Tragic mistake! Just look what like teosinte, the ancestor of corn to understand the misunderstanding (right, the evolution of maize, alleging Wikipedia ).

Not only plants suitable for cultivation are very rare, but also their wild ancestors have been painstakingly selected by man before presenting the beginning of the beginning of agricultural interest. Indeed, natural selection often works backwards from our growers' interests:
- most wild plants are small seeds, hard shell, which are scattered to the four winds as they mature (which increases their chance of spread);
- few plants to germinate quickly and steadily: Most wildlife tend to wait for favorable weather to germinate, which makes random harvests;
- plants are generally much cell fibrous (Leaves, stem or trunk) and few seeds. Their efficiency is generally very low;
- they are often interbreeding, ie they intersect with each other. For
, drinking a plant in the garden, we must unravel the millions of years of natural selection: first find an annual plant, nourishing. Then you should select plants that produce patiently larger seeds, with a thin crust and not falling to the ground when they ripen. And for a chance to do that is better from a plant self-fertile if artificial selection is much more complicated. Brief Candidates are not legion. The proof: 80% of plants being consumed from a dozen species (wheat, corn, rice, barley, sorghum, soybeans, potatoes, cassava, sweet potato and banana) are those that were cultivated there are already thousands of years. As Diamond said, "The very fact that we are not able to tame one major food crop in modern times suggests that the ancients were really able to explore virtually all useful wild plants and domesticated all those worth it to be. "

On top of the ancestors of these species providential grows only in very few places in the world. Eurasia is pretty well off, but much less in the Americas while Australia and Southern Africa are almost free. Go to your garden when you have no seeds to plant!
Sources: left, diagram taken from SSFT blog, right from the book by Diamond, P206
The East-West continental
Other physical factors such as deserts or mountains naturally isolate certain regions of the diffusion of agricultural practices. But according to Diamond, orientation of the continents also plays an important role in plant species are spread more easily between regions at the same latitude and have otherwise the same climate, at least the same cycle in day length. Thus all cereal crops in Europe and Asia were derived from the same ancestral stock. In contrast, the north-south orientation of the American continent would explain why the corn grown in Mexico has taken so many centuries back to the United States. Unlike the European continent, most cereal crops in the New World appear to have been discovered independently of each other.

And then the cattle?
We suffer from the same historical myopia on the farm. The number of domesticated mammalian species is incredibly small! Only peaceful herbivores, territorial little, agreeing to breed in captivity and living in large flocks non-hierarchical social lend themselves to domestication. Thanks to a subtle alchemy of character that makes the horse is tamed when his cousins the zebra and the onager are not. Among the 148 non-carnivorous mammals weighing over 45 pounds, only 22 are suitable for breeding. For Besides, you get the best animals "tame" as the Elephants, but then it is tamed wild animals that reproduce poorly in captivity. Again, Eurasia is particularly well endowed, they included 13 of the 14 species of large mammals domesticated. Despite an abundance of wildlife, sub-Saharan Africa, the Americas and Australia were much less fortunate:

Eurasia Sub-Saharan Africa Americas Australia
Candidate Species 72

51 24 1
domesticated species 13 0 1 0

The orientation of the continents also influences the distribution of farming practices (without Diamond's explanation appears to me very clear). The great east-west axis of the Eurasian continent would explain the massive distribution of the same animals (pigs, sheep, goats, cows, horses) from Ireland to the tip of China. In contrast, the Andean llama, turkey of North America or the water buffalo in West Africa have remained confined in a narrow band of latitude without diffusion into the North-South direction.

The cascade of progress
These three environmental factors-availability of plant cultivation, animal domestication and the presence of east-west orientation of the continents formed by Diamond-ultimate causes of the rise of peoples of the Eurasian continent :

Part of the scheme is fairly intuitive: agricultural production sets people who abandon their old lifestyle of hunter-gatherers. Food surpluses allow companies to grow and organize more complex. By specializing, the individuals can innovate in their respective fields: writing is born of the need to account for production and trade. The explanation is fairly standard, but I was struck by the sequence of causes and effects reinforce each other:

- The popularizations settled have been easier to improve their farming techniques, which has helped to settle more.
- As the population increased with surplus food, food production has become the only way to feed everybody, hunting and gathering no longer sufficient, and the agricultural way of life is a process of self- strengthening (Provided you do not overuse the land).
- The more complex societies have more opportunities to improve living conditions and thus increase their size, which has forced them to become more complex even more.
- Specialization has fostered innovation, but the reverse is also true: scribes and blacksmiths became necessary after the invention of writing and metalworking.
- The use of domestic animals has greatly contributed to improving food production by providing fertilizer, transportation and assistance for muscular work in the fields. And on innovation it suffices to note that the wheel was invented in companies with animals capable of pulling loads (and even then not in the Andes).
- The east-west orientation of the continents and the lack of natural barriers has boosted all these factors in facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and technology between societies, through trade or war.
short, all these factors are multiplied together, such as catalysts in a chemical reaction.

Advantage: Europe!

Unlike other continent, Eurasia had all the ingredients for success: plant cultivation, animal domestication and territory oriented East-West without major disruption in the middle, no wonder it took so ahead of America, Africa and Australia. In their conquest of the three continents, European explorers had the benefit of the equipment (steel), weapons, knowledge and means of transportation (horse). On top of that, they brought America infectious diseases that have decimated the natives. This is not a coincidence that one believes Diamond: most of our infectious diseases are inherited from those of our pets, which neither the Aztecs or the Incas had been previously exposed. Animal domestication would have provided a biological weapon radical indirectly to the conquistadores who were able to win at one against a hundred.

remains to understand why it was Western Europe and not Asia Minor (the cradle of civilization) and China, which imposed its model of civilization.
For Asia Minor, Diamond sends the issue quickly: the overexploitation of forests are rapidly depleted soils and processed as a land of plenty Iraq into an arid desert. It examines in detail in his other book ("Collapse") the mechanism by which companies are disappearing, to draw too much power in their environment.

China, victim of unification too early?
The case of China is amazing. This region also had everything to succeed: a large area well served by long rivers and regions which are easily connectable to each other, nature is rich in plant cultivation and animal domestication, an ecosystem-resistant agriculture. All these factors have effectively facilitated the development of early food production and the rapid take-off of technology: we owe to China's invention of cast iron, paper, gunpowder, etc.. The company also quickly organized into kingdoms and unified into an empire from 220 BC. But according to Diamond, this unification (too) early paradoxically ended up penalizing its development: "The cohesion of China has finally become a liability because the decision of a despot was enough to stop an innovation that was the case in repeatedly. For example, while China was ready to conquer the world on its huge ships in the early fifteenth century, a power struggle suspended all naval expedition for centuries. Meanwhile, in Europe, Christopher Columbus wiped many refusals in each of the European powers until you find one who agrees to finance it. Fierce competition between countries of Europe has finally made a spur to innovation and technology diffusion, while China grew at the rate of the whims of central government. Closer to home, the ravages of the Cultural Revolution on the Chinese intellectual elite give an idea of the disastrous effects of such dependence. Unlike the spectacular successes of the one-child policy and the current economic surge is the positive side of such centralization.

Why is Europe remained divided as China was unified very quickly? Diamond's answer reads again in Maps:
coast of China is quite smooth, with few very large islands and regions are linked together so that none could free itself from the rest of the country. In contrast, Europe has several peninsulas quite isolated from each other and high mountains dividing the interior of the continent. These natural barriers have prevented the unification-political, linguistic, economic-of the different regions, but without impeding the diffusion of technology and ideas. Finally, the comparison between the history of a unified China and Europe illustrates perfectly the balkanized amplifying effects of a globalized society, for better or for worse.

theory of Diamond I like that because it is more probabilistic than deterministic: the combination of ecological conditions more favorable or less predicts the rate of development of a society and its power relations with its neighbors. Obviously human decisions play a major role in the course of history, but the analysis of Diamond is located at the scale of civilization, not the century. Or rather the scale of major historical developments: the early millennium, secular and then finally when all ten accelerates under the multiplier effect combinations. Unless as a result of political constraints (like China), ecological (the Fertile Crescent) and military (the invasion of the Roman Empire by the barbarians), this rate will slow to decline civilization. You tell me that it becomes an obsession, but I still see a reasonable explanation to the fact companies are growing very fast at one point, then after reaching a maximum growth to slow decline. Just as the biological evolution or the score in a game of scrabble I mentioned in the previous post .

Jared Diamond: From inequality among societies

Related posts:
Innovations, Scrabble and logarithms who was zooming in on the concatenation exponential innovations

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Do I Get Farmville Posts On News Feed


"When the realization of injury, though unpredictable in the current state of scientific knowledge, could affect a serious and irreversible environmental the public authorities shall, by applying the precautionary principle and their areas of responsibilities , the implementation of risk assessment procedures and adoption of provisional and proportionate measures to deal with the realization of the damage "

In other words, prevention must take precedence over the realization of the evidence in light of that principle.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brazilian Extreme-curves

When the caution

We quote:

-International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, Vol 16, No 3 (2010)
epidemiological evidence of a risk to health from near base stations mobile
Vini G. Khurana, Lennart Hardell, Joris Everaert, Alicja Bortkiewicz, Michael Carlberg, Mikko Ahonen
The human population is increasingly exposed to radiofrequency (RF) microwave communications technology from wireless, including mobile mobile phone masts and their base stations. By performing searches in PubMed, (Ed.: Scientific publication Governmental U.S.) we have identified a total of 10 epidemiological studies that evaluate the putative health effects (note: estimated) base stations for mobile telephony.
Seven of these studies have explored the association between the proximity of base stations and neuro-effects and three surveys have investigated the co-promotion with cancer. We found that eight of 10 studies reported an increased prevalence of neurological symptoms or deleterious promoters of cancer in populations living at distances of less than 500 meters stations Basic antennas.
None of these scientific studies have reported an exposure above the norms guiding international force suggesting that current guidelines may be regarded as insufficient to protect the health of human populations . We believe that extensive epidemiological studies on long-term exposure (Ed. irradiation) populations living near base stations of mobile telephone is urgently needed to better understand their final impact on health. Why

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Broken Tooth & Lump Above It


Federation presents a list of election officials tenants to the landlord Kremlin Kremlin Bicetre Habitat DPOs? Already
because for more than four years, day after day and field representatives of the different friendly park, working to resolve difficulties encountered in everyday residents. Because
Federation FALC with these same people supported the introduction with the monthly local service OPH during that time, working meetings involving residents directly and freely, and where we have identified, updated and resolved Many malfunctions and implemented solutions. We
provoked and participated together with the lessor, service prefectural and town hall meetings working to implement actions to restore security throughout the park DPOs and we were the only representatives of tenants to participate. expressed our wishes as to a local service more efficient in its operation, our contribution to helping improve conditions for building maintenance, much remains of suggested points to apply.
The direct intervention of the President of Federation and the Committee he heads to work at various locations permit reimbursement of rental charges paid in error as the Peace Group, the Glacis, Barnufles some reaching a thousand euros on a backlog of seven years as in Peace, or for some individual cases the decrease in their corrected surface causing a reduction in their base rent.
This work resulted in the removal of unjustified charges of lines such as salaries of local service and that since January 2008 on the entire park OPH.Un research work and analysis was performed on the amount of the burden of maintenance, heating, and water, which suggests that we can reduce these charges and we guarantee it. This commission intends to impose labor restrictions on rent increases in strict compliance with the IRL (benchmark rents) published by INSEE and will also be our goal, the Federation will oppose any attempt to increase abuse as has already been the case in 2009 and 2010, moreover, the Federation was the only one to hear his voice, what should have elected representatives in place during this term of four years instead of arguing that these increases Unfair would be used to increase the budget proximity also remains stalled at 6 months after being voted in late and did not improve the comfort of some sites, like Schumann, Gambetta, Swifts or winter temperature reaches the temperature for some difficulty caused by the provider of 19 ° C and sometimes lower, even zero because of disfonctionnement.La Federation also noted that some non-core restorations could wait for the benefit of a real energy strategy.
At various hotlines Monday to Saturday evening 17H 30 we can deliver all the details, see agenda FALC. Again there was silence and total absence of those expected We represent the Board and running for another term.
say that one does not preclude it must s'accompagrer acts visible and active communication, which we have not observed, except that during electioneering circumstances.
Please understand that our bid is responsive in part to the absence.
Participation in the debate as an auditor concerned has been denied for all mandate by the tenant representatives and Board of Directors and qu'entravée but despite this our business has been productive, efficient as you can see and motivates the FALC. The FALC
wants to be a force for proposals and demonstrate to the DPO that other avenues exist to ensure a better balance of these financial institutions, while preserving the purchasing power of residents tenants. The FALC
although only partially been invited to comment on the UCC convention (social utility) which promotes the upgrading of social housing and not a certain classification would have been contrary to the most basic right of equality, this one seemed favorable if donors promote the goals of restoration areas weakened by decay.
We will ensure that is not manipulated the human residents, by anyone.
All this shows the determination of FALC officials to be effective players in the field and not the extras of institutional representation without significant results for residents tenants.
We believe that the effects of our actions past and future you will be convinced to support us in this election so that you are truly represented.
For more information visit our website.

For all candidates FALC

The president of the FALC


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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habitat is threatened

roofs residential public buildings transform hedgehogs.

Another example Nogent sur Marne or the opinion of residents is not respected and where the elected members of the public health does not react.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Decorating Your Plain Cd


; I invite you to an implicit association tests (IAT test in English) developed by researchers in psychology from Harvard. In one on racial preference, it is for example to classify as quickly as possible and without much thought a series of words and images. On the left is positive if the word or the image is that of a white man to the right if it is a negative word or image of a black man. Easy. Then you then a second series, but this time the associations are reversed: white faces and negative words on one side, black faces and positive words of another. And then, surprise ... We realize that we make more mistakes and that one is slower when you have a face black with a positive word and a white face with a negative word. Though I redo the test, I always got the same verdict at the end of the test: "slight automatic preference for white people compared to black people." Shame! For only consolation, I am less biased than the average for testers:
Mister Hyde, I saw you!
Ditto for tests of the same kind as that of people of African origin. Are we all racists? Maybe not. While this experiment demonstrates the deep roots of automatic mental not very glorious. But researchers who have developed these tests were mainly intended to highlight two aspects of our intelligence. On one side there is what one chooses to believe the values that have adhered deliberately, intentionally. Of course there are racists, but (we hope) most people defend themselves from any racial bias. But this social consciousness is not of much use when judging a situation in the blink of an eye. In case of danger for example, there is no time to deliberate internally, you must choose quickly, with crude criteria. Discrimination is thus a natural mechanism of our unconscious instinctively associating certain words and images to the stereotypes it allows us to react correctly in most situations. In consideration of this reactivity, underground level, instinctive, is not very sensitive reasoning, or moral. He forged on the basis of prejudice ambient, including the less glorious, sexist or racist. The additional time to make some associations would measure therefore not the substance of our thinking, but the effort that we need to inhibit non-conscious bias. Besides more than half of black Americans who took the test IAT also expressed an automatic preference for whites.

This is actually not surprising that the hooligans were recruited from among people of all that is normal. The automated underground resume quickly when the above control Social relaxes or under the influence of alcohol. The crowd is inherently hateful, even if the individuals who compose it are not. Going back to racism, does not mean to be racist not be rid of his prejudices, but being able to put them deliberately muted in all circumstances. According to this hypothesis, anti-racism is not a state but a permanent control over oneself. To get rid of his prejudices should be constantly bathed in a very mixed social environment, where everyday constantly belie prejudices: not easy to implement.

Blond is beautiful
American psychologists have shown many children drawn characters, different from each other only by their skin color, and asked which he preferred, what was the sweetest, most wicked and so on. They are mostly associated with black characters and villains designated whites as being more friendly and beautiful products. Reflex community identification, suggested a mother (white) collapse of guilt? Not even: black children exhibit the same racial prejudices.

Since neither the family environment, or the reflex community are involved, it remains only to understand the cultural environment that detestable unanimously. We must recognize that most celebrities, business leaders, politicians and other media heroes are white or fiction. Yannick Noah, Obama and Nelson Mandela-cons are clear examples but too few to change this trend: black girls prefer Barbie dolls to black skin.

One can imagine the discomfort that may cause this discrepancy between his ideal of beauty and his own skin color. Especially as this preference is self-reinforced: we sell more dolls blond, blond hair and is associated with more beauty and more we sell dolls blond. The stereotype of the beautiful white skin is so strong that even in countries where they would be useful, we seldom find dressing for dark black skin. Our language has in fact crystallized this symbolic, since the "black" is a negative connotation (one day "black," hour "dark" magic "black", the "dark" side of the force, the funds' black "etc..) as opposed to what is white (mark with a stone "White", "white" as snow, etc..).

From stereotype to self-discrimination
The phenomenon is more dangerous than a mere matter of taste. In the 1990s, American psychologists have engaged in a particularly interesting experience : they passed the same test several groups of American students, white and black in different experimental conditions. In the absence of indication, black students received equivalent results to those of whites. If they were told that the tests were designed to measure their intelligence, their performance were significantly worse (while those of white students were identical). Finally, if they were asked to indicate their color on the copy, the performance of black students became downright bad. According to researchers, these results confirm how the mere prospect of racial bias may unconsciously penalize black students. When asked why they failed, students relied on their sense issue of not being up to par, but never could have the strange feeling they cause the mention of their color on the copy. How

discrimination talks
latest An experiment illustrates this phenomenon of self-maintenance of stereotypes and discrimination. Students were recruited in 2005 at an American university to play by computers on the role of employers and employees. In the group designated as employees, each was assigned a random color (green or purple) for the duration of the game Each round took place in several phases:
- First each employee chooses to buy or not training. It costs him money, but allows him to succeed more easily pre-employment test.
- then the employee must pass pre-employment (which is a random selection of two dice). It is more likely to pass this test if it was trained.
- Finally, each employer is proposing to hire an employee (random) and must make his choice based solely on its color and test results of pre-employment (he will not know if that was formed after having possibly hired).

At the end of each round is its accounts and statistical results are displayed for each color (% of% of trained and hired). A new round can begin. The goal of each player is receive as much money. Employers gain when they hire an employee who actually trained and they lose otherwise. Employees earning more money when they are hiring until they are denied employment. They must decide each turn whether to spend money in training is worth it or not.

the first round, the color information is obviously of no use for employers who rely solely on the test results for their hiring choices. It turns out that (by chance) the greens were slightly more educated than the purple. In the second round employers are spontaneously began to favor the hiring of green on purple. The phenomenon was then self-reinforced: noting that they were less than the green recruit to test performance equal, violets are more easily given up investing in training, giving reason to distrust of employers towards . Conversely, the green-to-close some stowaways have seen growing interest in training and have therefore increasingly invested in it, reinforcing the prejudice in their favor:
While the players were apparently rational and starting situation perfectly fair, it was spontaneously created both an employment discrimination and stereotyped behavior of employees based on the color of the players (of course, by the experiments, the privileged were sometimes green, sometimes purples). Difficult, once established such stereotypes to break the vicious circle of discrimination! To have any chance of doing so would require both to fight against discrimination, facilitate the success of the most deserving among populations discriminated, but also increase the success stories which they could identify. What a program! This trend

arbitrary and spontaneous discrimination reminds me once again the Kelvin water generator (described in this post ). In this device, there are not two people but two initially equivalent containers. Soon, one of them positively charged and one negatively without being able to predict in advance the sign of each container: another story of symmetry which breaks spontaneously, surprisingly. After the stunts, and scalable power, are the social stunts!

The site Harvard on implicit associations
CNN's "Black or White" kids on race " available on YouTube (in English)
Steele and Aronson: Stereotype Threat & the intellectual test performance of African American (1995)
Fryer et al: Experience-Based Discrimination : Classroom Games (2005)

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Monday, October 18, 2010

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Innovations, Scrabble and logarithms

The Queen, the Mad and the Tree (3)
Reminder of previous episodes ( here): technological innovations and the ramifications of living are strangely similar. The time between two major developments are becoming shorter and seem to follow a logarithmic progression. Regardless of how we represent such developments-graph, or other tree-form obtained is always the same, whatever the scale chosen. So these are fractals! To satiate fans of Da Vinci Code ... Admittedly, this is not a scoop to say that the history of technological progress is accelerating as time goes on, but it's more surprising to the same conclusion for the chronologies of living:
Source: Chaline, Nottale and Grou ( here )

I just found a simpler explanation to this phenomenon as that of jackrabbits my previous post, reading a good book by Jared Diamond which I will talk in a future post.

Printing, invented 3700 years ago ...
Reflection Diamond takes as its starting point discovery of a hard clay at Phaistos on Crete, dated to 1700 BC. JC (the photo comes from Wikipedia ). This disc is covered with over two hundred hieroglyphs (45 different) printed using punches. These punches are so carefully designed terrain is assumed that they were used several times. It would therefore be in the presence of the first registration made with movable and reusable. A real work of printing, 2500 years before the invention of printing in China and 3000 years before that of Europe! This finding is a puzzle: why did it take wait so long for this invention is then used by other people?

Diamond's answer is actually quite obvious: no innovation, as ingenious as it is, can not spread if it does not built with existing technologies. There was no ink in Crete, no paper, no press, no metal or alphabetic order for this invention "take." And since only a few scribes jealous of their power knew at the time to read and write, there was no need for massive distribution of information. The print wait so that all ingredients are combined Gutenberg in Europe to find its growth in 1455 and dramatically alter the course of Western history.

Behind every invention, an army of unsung precursor
In support of this rule, it suffices to note that great discoveries are rarely the result of one man. Most inventors are particularly refined and adapted finds that the precursors had imagined before them. The first steam engine, not date of James Watt, inventor's official, but of Heron of Alexandria and its amazing Eolipyle !
Thomas Edison patented the modern version of the light bulb and that Samuel Morse's electric telegraph, but in both cases, their inventions have been preceded by many similar or competing processes (see for example the history of lighting and that of the telegraph ). course there is no denying the contribution of these great inventors, but we must admit that their success is mainly due to the fact that their society was ripe to exploit their innovations. The real geniuses, as proto-printer Phaistos, really have ideas ahead of their time are most likely doomed to oblivion. If Leonardo had not been famous for his paintings, which he had not imagined the ancestor of the helicopter ?

An innovation will succeed so that when it coincides with a good technological background, ready to make it fruitful. A bit like a new chemical reagent, which produces an interesting effect that when incorporated into the right ingredients.

Innovation: a matter of combinatorics?
Innovation is therefore the art of combining clever ideas or technologies. Indeed, creativity is not it precisely the ability to associate two concepts that are not used to be? This intimate relationship between innovations and combinations may explain the cumulative nature of technological change, whose effects are multiplied rather they add up. The more we ad'ingrédients at its disposal, the greater the chances of finding suitable mixture to a new reagent. The more a company has accumulated technology, the more it can afford to take advantage an innovation. The technological advances therefore cascade, an innovation led to another in times shorter and shorter.
[For skeptics only trying to model that. Suppose there are n technologies and innovations that the field is proportional to the number of possible combinations of these technologies. There are then 2 n possible combinations (see demo here ). Additional technology doubles the number of combinations so the field of innovation].

The invention of the internet, for example, has taken its magnitude with the advent of personal computers and the democratization of broadband. In turn, the Internet has enabled the invention of new forms of entertainment, commerce, communications, means of payment which in turn have led to other innovations etc..

Scrabble Life
There is probably something similar in the large Lego's lifetime. When anatomically successful innovation (a new organization plan to the Cambrian, for example), it paves the way for a blossoming of recombination that leads each new species.
There is a difference size with technological progress: after a certain time, which varies by species or families, the pace of innovation slows side more and then stops. Some species like the coelacanth (source: cliff1066 ™ ) evolves more visible for hundreds of millions of years. What's going on? I deliver to a chimera comments Xochipillesque:
Contrary to technological progress that knows as the limit as imposed by our culture, the evolution of life, is itself, subject to many physical limitations: in terms of size, weight and proportion, for example, but there are many others. What is happening to me the same thing at Scrabble:

Initially, the combinations available are very few numerous then put each word increases the range of possibilities. But as the game is not infinite, the game "closes" gradually and opportunities for dazzling combinations are scarce. Sometimes, some misplaced words "close the game "and suddenly reduce the possibilities of playing. There comes a time when nobody can play, even if there are letters in the pile. Similarly, one can imagine a great innovation multiplies first anatomical possibilities of evolution of a branch, and then they gradually become scarcer as all its derivatives have been explored anatomical viable. The coelacanth is virtually the super-triple-word account "stuck in the bottom right of the plate ...

Scrabbles From everywhere ...
Cultural innovation Would she rather Scrabble or rather Lego? Paradoxically, it seems to me that it is rather Scrabble, because of cultural constraints that delimit the gameboard Jazz for example, has paved the way for many schools that have multiplied until we gradually explored all combinations culturally interesting. No doubt he will wait an additional ingredient (technological or cultural) that abound (maybe?) New styles.

Source: Article by Ivan Brissaud ( here )

If my hypothesis holds up, it is not surprising to find so many human phenomena, physical or biological obeying laws log-periodic: it gets each time a dynamic combinatorial is at work and its development is hindered by a constraint. This "scale invariance" is ubiquitous in nature is of course fascinating and one can be tempted to seek the universal rule of the natural order as some researchers . I think that making a lot of credit to combinatorial analysis. I remain, however, always impressed by the beauty of the result, obtained from those elementary rules of Scrabble.

From inequality among societies by Jared Diamond

Related posts:
Innovation and Evolution: A History of jackrabbits?
The Queen, the Mad and the Tree

Sunday, October 3, 2010

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Globalization, the Welfare engine! Why

A promise is due. I attack this week in a famous rhetorical: the devastating impact of financial globalization on our model office. The bet is risky as unanimity is great about it. On the left, they condemn the ruthless competitive welfare states in a race to the bottom where the winners will be the lowest bidder in terms of social protection, redistribution, culture etc.. Right, & c # 39, is the revenue side that we perceive a dangerous place: to continue to attract foreign investment, governments postpone any tax burden on wages. Rising labor costs then causes unemployment and deficits. That we take the problem on the expenditure side or revenues, the conclusion is identical: globalization jeopardizes the funding of our social systems and once they arrive ruling parties of both right and left have no choice but to reduce the social ambitions of the state and pursue policies of austerity: c ' ; is the end of politics and the triumph of the market. Gulp!

The internationalization of finance: a recent phenomenon? Not at all!
Before addressing these arguments well oiled, we can relativize the debate already taking a bit of height (to please Tom Roud : our dice ; independence vis-à-vis foreign capital is not a historical record. Looking back on the economic history over a century ; century we find that markets international financiers were more before 1929 than they are today. Net capital flows amounted to about 5% of the GDP of Great Britain at the end of the last century against less than 2% today. Same trend in France and Germany:
(graphic from presentation on financial globalization Philip Martin, University of all Knowledge, 2000)

If financial globalization seems news is mostly because we are leaving behind a half-century of restrictions on capital movements. Of course, internationalization is very different from that of the nineteenth century, more volatile and oriented to short-term. But quantitatively, we are less dependent on foreign than we were at the time.

Less social spending? Are you kidding! Having
said, looking somewhat the extent of damage it has caused on our welfare system. To the left, our violent social conflicts about the deficit, pension or hole in the safety are compelling evidence of toxicity. Since the 1980s, when markets were deregulated, our governments show themselves more in social chick? Just rummage on the OECD website to find out and voila what happens:
not only social expenditure of the States have not decreased, but on the contrary, most countries have seen them grow faster than GDP. The share of social spending in France rose by 20% of GDP in 1980 to 28% in 2005. Ditto for the management of health spending by the state, which is globally stable for 20 years, according to statistics from the OECD

In these two areas , one looks in vain for the famous "spiral down "in which welfare states would be sucked under market pressure. We saw no more convergence between indicators of different countries, who each retain their own model of development policy.

Less public employment? Absolutely not!

same goes for the number of jobs in the public service, we count the number of staff (left chart below) or that of public service jobs as the administration missions, health, education and social action, sometimes delegated to private sector (right graph):

Source: Audi and Baccache -Beauvallet, Employment in the public service functions and "public interest" (2006, pdf)

Neither the number of officials, or the disparity between the country really does diminish . In France and despite the effects of ads, many officials increased sharply since 1995 . Elsewhere the effect is masked because the private sector took over: what are the functions of "public utility" which occupy an increasing share of total employment. In total, the public gains more ground.

Financial markets reluctant to social spending? On the contrary!

It is probably no coincidence that globalization and growth of public spending are well combined. In France, the opening financial markets has coincided with the austerity policy of the mid-1980s , where he had to replenish the coffers. And our case is not isolated! As some economists point out, " with increased debt, national treasuries could no longer rely exclusively on domestic investors . We had to appeal to international investors, especially institutional investors to buy shares in domestic public. It and the departure public authorities have liberalized and modernized financial systems to meet their financing needs ( source)

If we follow the reasoning of the left would thus reversed: the shortfalls would not dug despite globalization, but it ' is instead due to market liberalization that states could set their growing problem of funding!

revenue side: too much tax? Not at all!
Now the threats posed by financial globalization on government revenues. The parties of all stripes are the same conclusion even if they draw different conclusions. To maintain the attractiveness of the country's financial, taxation is become far too light on profits (which denounces the left) and far too heavy on personal income (which denounces the right). Yet the OECD statistics again seem to hurt everyone:
On the whole EU-15 enterprises contribute twice as much tax revenue that & # 39 in 1979 and people are (relatively) less utilized. In France, the taxpayers are better off rather than elsewhere (and firms rather less). Nothing says instead that the tax be justly distributed, or it may reduce inequalities ...

Too contributions? Are you kidding!
The problem would there contributions? It is the favorite argument of the right. I heard Herve Morin said on France Inter radio on Friday: "What is needed is to have the tax burden that can cope with globalization in which we live. I think we need a tax system that is appropriate for our economy to be competitive and I think it will go through a thorough reform of contributions social can not be sitting alone on the job. "Social contributions they really penalize our competitiveness? If this is the case, points out there at Center for Strategic Analysis, the total cost of labor and social-employer contributions included-should weigh more heavily in the country's total value added (which is divided between wages, profits and corporate taxes). Now we see just the opposite:
Source: Center for Strategic Analysis, Newswatch September 2008 (pdf )

While the e chosen scale accentuates the decline, since 5 points lower in Europe in 35 years is not plummeting. But again, the trend is the opposite of what might be think: wages weigh (slightly) less in the economy of developed countries there are 30 or 40 years. Where is the bug? How the state can fund more social services without increasing the total labor cost? The answer is intuitive-cons, according to these economists: there is no correlation between cost of labor and social security contributions. Social welfare does not increase the cost of labor necessarily because of net wages may moderate offset employer costs and significant wage. That is how countries with high rates of employer contributions may have very different labor costs similar (France and Switzerland for example, or Italy and Ireland):
They conclude that "social contributions behave as a total share of socialized compensation of employees and not as a tax on wages. [These results] accordingly invited to reconsider the model economic welfare, to see it not as an issue in the struggle for the distribution of value added between wages and profits, but as a way of redistributing income wage (...) There therefore see no paradox in that a high level of collective social protection is not a handicap in the global competition. "Incredibly, no?

And if we did we take to ourselves?

So if this is not because of neo-liberal that our social system is in crisis, where is the culprit? Maybe should we blame but ourselves: with all public spending in France, it is difficult to explain the persistence of ; much poverty. We are the champions of the public deficit and yet according Canadian economist Timothy Smith "the majority of expenditures authorized by the deficits in the years 1980 and 1990 is went to non-redistributive social programs already existing, instead of financial programs for poverty reduction, education or long-term investments in infrastructure. " His conclusion is brutal: "States still have the freedom and resources necessary to correct the decline, and some states (Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands) have also chosen to do . The other, paralyzed by corporatism (France, Italy) and unable to reallocate resources to those who need it most are precisely those states where anti-globalization rhetoric manifests itself in the most extreme. " Ç has casssssssse" as I would say NumberTwo ...

Melchior's site on the origin of financial globalization
The study by the Centre for Strategic Analysis: "The model European Social Is soluble in globalization " (2008, pdf)
Navarro, Schmitt & Astudillo: Is Globalization Undermining the Welfare State? (Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2004, pdf)
Andreas Bergh, Explaining Welfare State Survival: The Role of Economic Freedom and Globalization (2006, pdf)
The site OECD statistics
France is unfair Timothy Smith.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

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Albi. The antenna of discord Rayssac removed is probably the end of a long series. Yesterday morning, technicians and Bouygues Telecom have withdrawn the mobile phone antenna on the top of a building public housing, rue Louis-Jouvet in Rayssac. This antenna hits the headlines for more than five years. Nicole Bonnafous, a tenant is a party to crusade against the telephone relay accusing him of being the cause of health problems among residents of this building with 8 floors.
"I had not been informed of disassembly. You may not know how happy I am, "admits the tenant who has not hesitated to bring the case before the court. A first trial based on numerous expert gave in November 2009 due to Tarn Habitat, the manager.
Albi: The antenna of discord Rayssac disassembled