I was impressed by recent stories of forgotten baby all day in the car . Pathological distraction? Not at all: their mothers seemed quite balanced mentally. By cons they were all in shock of a violent injury on the morning following a car accident, another child in hospital etc.. These tragedies illustrate dramatically how an excess of emotion can alter our lucidity. Without falling into these extremes, we become quickly distracted or swayed when our mind is too busy with something ...
attentional neglect
You may know this famous test. You should count on this video the number of passes that making the team black. Stay focused and look good ...
Between half and three-quarters of those who see the video does not notice the gorilla that arises among the players. Our brain is a wonderful machine, but it can focus its attention on one thing at a time. Busy counting the passes are usually zap the incongruous detail when nothing alerting us (the effect succeeds best when the gorilla enters quietly among the players and the color fades among them). This focus of attention is the basic recipe for all magicians: while a dove emerges from their right hand to which they look, no one watching what their left hand. Here is another less known example that the gorilla:
did you fall into the trap, alert cards and the hands of magicians? The window of attention is certainly very close ... Some researchers even believe that onl can not realize that a color or a geometric shape at a time. Here the experience inspires their hypothesis: you have successively and very quickly two images each representing a different pattern (a red square and a blue square) on a panel. You will not have much trouble remembering the location of each pattern and color. If we now present to you the complete picture quickly with two designs, you will remember their arrangement but have more difficulty remembering their respective color.
The effect is multiplied when multiple colors, patterns and more several possible locations. The authors conclude that awareness of a complete composite image requires slowly sweep the whole image of the look and provide a voluntary effort of attention to grasp all its aspects (colors, patterns etc.). Only in that movie heroes remember all the peripheral details of a scene. Especially as if emotion comes into play we saw in this post as attention focuses more on the center of the scene (the famous "weapon effect").
Thought and bulimia
The focus of attention also reduces our powers to decide in conscience. In a series of experiments very fun U.S. researchers asked students to draw lots for an envelope containing a number to remember. For some (group 1) the number was in double digits and others (group 2) was a 7 digit number. The instruction was to remember this number and go write it on the other side of the building. Along the way, students were invited to a drink and a snack. They had a choice between chocolate cake and a fruit salad, before continuing their journey. The whole purpose of the experiment was in fact not to assess their memory, but to observe what they chose to eat. Very strangely, the students of Group 2 having to remember many succumbed much more often (63%) to the temptation of junk food than group 1 (41%). You said weird? What relationship between the size of numbers to memorize and Miss students taste? The researchers' explanation is as follows: our working memory can store up to seven things up, and beyond requires the use of mnemonics. Absorbed by the effort of memory, Group 2 students no longer sufficient mental resources to resist their impulses greedy. Under the effect of this "cognitive overload, they choose the most mechanically tempting dessert. Students in Group 1 did not have this problem because their effort does not require memorizing their attention. They can easily dedicate a few microseconds of their mental processor to select a dessert and sometimes prefer something healthy. The contrast is even greater for individuals to impulsive nature: in a situation of cognitive overload 80% prefer chocolate cake while only 40% in normal times.
Consumption or compensation?
This natural weakness can be exploited by marketing? The over-abundance of stress that flooded the consumer point of sale makes it more sensitive to the temptation? We have not direct evidence, but experience made in 2007 attempted to measure the link between consumption and psychological stress. We asked college students to exercise free association of thoughts. Some of them were instructed to not think of a polar bear (why a polar bear, who knows ...), while others were free to think what they wanted. Then distributed to all $ 10 Reward they could spend in the store or keep for college later. The college banned polar bear ("Thought Suppression" on the graph) have spent much more than the control group ("No Clear") especially when they are naturally impulsive ("High BIS"):
The focus of attention also reduces our powers to decide in conscience. In a series of experiments very fun U.S. researchers asked students to draw lots for an envelope containing a number to remember. For some (group 1) the number was in double digits and others (group 2) was a 7 digit number. The instruction was to remember this number and go write it on the other side of the building. Along the way, students were invited to a drink and a snack. They had a choice between chocolate cake and a fruit salad, before continuing their journey. The whole purpose of the experiment was in fact not to assess their memory, but to observe what they chose to eat. Very strangely, the students of Group 2 having to remember many succumbed much more often (63%) to the temptation of junk food than group 1 (41%). You said weird? What relationship between the size of numbers to memorize and Miss students taste? The researchers' explanation is as follows: our working memory can store up to seven things up, and beyond requires the use of mnemonics. Absorbed by the effort of memory, Group 2 students no longer sufficient mental resources to resist their impulses greedy. Under the effect of this "cognitive overload, they choose the most mechanically tempting dessert. Students in Group 1 did not have this problem because their effort does not require memorizing their attention. They can easily dedicate a few microseconds of their mental processor to select a dessert and sometimes prefer something healthy. The contrast is even greater for individuals to impulsive nature: in a situation of cognitive overload 80% prefer chocolate cake while only 40% in normal times.
Consumption or compensation?
This natural weakness can be exploited by marketing? The over-abundance of stress that flooded the consumer point of sale makes it more sensitive to the temptation? We have not direct evidence, but experience made in 2007 attempted to measure the link between consumption and psychological stress. We asked college students to exercise free association of thoughts. Some of them were instructed to not think of a polar bear (why a polar bear, who knows ...), while others were free to think what they wanted. Then distributed to all $ 10 Reward they could spend in the store or keep for college later. The college banned polar bear ("Thought Suppression" on the graph) have spent much more than the control group ("No Clear") especially when they are naturally impulsive ("High BIS"):
Source: article Vohs and Faber
Here you can not really talk about cognitive overload, since students have completed their exercise time to buy. The need to consume seems more related to lax their self-control, like a muscle that relaxes after having been requested. And more effort was, the greater the need to compensate is important. We love a little extra after a little effort, but in case of prolonged and intense stress, the need to compensate can become pathological, bulimia or binge buying as uncontrollable mood. A feeling of sadness reinforces the need to consume and also if you are disgusted, one tends to get rid at any price that you want to sell: after a national humiliation Cup Worldwide, eBay must be rubbing their hands!
Go, by popular demand, a small digression on the shopping spree ...
Compulsive Buying touch-of-site after more than 1% of the population, women 80% and over three-quarters of them are for clothing and shoes in particular. Wondered why my shoes Xochipillette? Nature and Science are silent on the subject, cons female blogs are full of scientific theories on the subject. Nineteen pairs on average for American women. And it admits 12-over 100 at home! Everything starts with the procurement process brilliantly described by this site (in English):
1) They easily reflect the mood of the moment, although it is basically dressed, and besides you can afford a much more fancy with his shoes with the rest of his wardrobe.
3) The shoes are the first thing a woman looks at somebody (apparently?).
4) You can always put his shoes even if you have gained or lost 20 kg 10kg.
5) The shoes are are the only clothes we see in full when they are worn on
6) Cinderella won the Prince Charming with his slippers vair glass.
Personally I have a simpler explanation: a beautiful shoe has all the attributes of a jewel and is the only jewelry a woman can afford under the pretext of utility and comfort for walking ...
Baba Shiv and Alexander Fedorikhin: Heart & Mind in Conflict
Vohs & Faber: Resources Spent: Self-Regulatory Resource Availability Affects Impulse Buying
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