Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gum Drop Tree Lighyed

Concentration Chaos and Street Session 2009

"Chaos is a principle ignored the order."

[Anonymous] /

Special thanks to the EMAP Saint-Nazaire and his team.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What Are Some Good Basketball Songs To Run Out To

Workshop Venice-Belgrade / REAL PRESENCE 2009

Photo by William Fouchaux


Material: waterproof coat (clothing tourist), gloves (anti-bacterial) sock ballet (hardware avoiding plunging into the lagoon) and dip doctored (used to pick up litter that tourists and Venetians throw).

Performance Simony Camille and Matthew Crimersmois / "Laguna de Venezia / Venice 09/2009

Flags Franco-Serbian

Exhibition locations of military object. Here we have missile submarine on which children play quietly in young ages.
Traces blue ground, symbolize a dry summer months at Belgrade and memory in human bodies caricatured puddle cartoon.

Material: Blue Tarp , children with parents, and military missiles.

Installation: "The moat" / Military Museum in Belgrade /

What is the role of tourist exhibitor?
How to express the feeling of being a tourist and go directly to an exhibition in one of the most prestigious in Belgrade? Here I manage
the input and output during the opening of the exhibition as part of "Real Presence 2009".
A smile is enough to go home.

Material: Wrist door of the hotel.

Performance: "The time of the opening" or "Hostel" / Legacy House of Belgrade 08/2009

Thank Dobrilla Denegri and Patricia Soline.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How To Prepare Report

Agenda 2009-2010 has a new link